I am The Night

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

Featuring Rochell Wyatt, Sarah Peyton, Kathryn Krogstad, Boris the cat. Sound design by Paul Hansen. Live Action.

Liberated from the spatial and pychological confines of consciousness, the film's heroine travels into her own recurring dreamscape, accompanied by a reptilian "chef detective" who will attempt to make sense of it all. Their journey takes them into filmic regions of the Old West, German Expressionism, Film Noir and Monster movies; here transformed into an enchanted, uncharted territory by a unique creative sensibility. By turns threatening, inviting and amusing, this adventure of the mind dares the viewer to enter a world where nothing is easily explained.

"... with dream logic that is alternately weird, creepy and funny .... Roman Polanski meets Alice in Wonderland." - Andy Spletzer, The Stranger

"It juxtaposes glee and panic as it juxtaposes wildly different film genres. It's a child's picture, in the best way, evoking potent but murky feelings. In its best, darkest, most claustrophobic moments, it conveys that familiar sense of feeling trapped, small, helpless, desperate. Of wishing, for once, you could sleep with the light on." - Mary Brennan, Seattle Weekly

Rental Fees

16mm film $160.00  

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